How to Create a Custom Domain with OpenSearch Serverless?


There seem to be no documentation on setting up a custom domain for OpenSearch Serverless. A simple Route53 CNAME did not work. Any advice is appreciated.

已提问 1 年前1614 查看次数
2 回答

Hi Gabe,

You are correct. OpenSearch serverless does not seem to support custom domain yet.

A workaround would be to place anApi Gateway custom domain in front of a lambda/container calling OpenSearch serverless APIs, but unsure if it fits your use case.

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已回答 1 年前
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已审核 2 个月前
  • Unfortunate. Seems like a huge gap. Thanks for the feedback. If any AWS people are reading, I would love to see a roadmap for OpenSearch Serverless and if/when this would be implemented.

  • I can suggest to ping Pavani Baddepudi, as he/she seem product manager for that product. Sharing this way because I had a different enquirer for another product, and the PM was very happy to hear my feedback. Worth a try :-)


Is this still an outstanding issue? Any workaround available?

已回答 4 个月前

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