Is there a way to add HTTP response headers to a WorkDocs endpoint



Is there a way to add the following HTTP response headers to a WorkDocs endpoint?

Strict-Transport-Security (Missing header). Content-Security-Policy (Missing header). X-Frame-Options (Missing header). X-Content-Type-Options (Missing header). X-XSS-Protection (Missing header).

已提问 1 年前260 查看次数
2 回答

Thanks. What about putting CloudFront in front of Workdocs endpoints? CloudFront has the ability to add response headers.

已回答 1 年前


AWS WorkDocs is a managed service, meaning that AWS manages the underlying infrastructure for you. As of today, you cannot change the behaviour of the endpoint of your WorkDocs site. If you need to add custom heards, one possible workaround would be to create a simple web application that serves as a proxy and uses the WorkDocs API to interact with WorkDocs. However, this would require developing and maintaining an additional web application, and there would likely be additional costs associated with hosting and operating the web application.

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已回答 1 年前

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