mqttAgent RX fails on large messages


I am using the coreMQTT-Agent lib on an ESP32 to receive large MQTT messages via AWS LAMBDA. Smaller messages work perfectly, but as the messages grow in size, they fail with

D (47173) coreMQTT: Encoded size for length 9657 is 2 bytes.
E (47173) coreMQTT: MQTT operation failed with status Invalid MQTT Status code
I (47183) sub_pub_demo: coreMQTT-Agent disconnected. Preventing coreMQTT-Agent commands from being enqueued.

And then the MQTT connection resets. I have tried increasing stack and buffer sizes via menuconfig for all the relevant tasks, but I am unable to locate a config setting that fixes the error. I have tried to use these error messages to trace the issue back to its source but am unable to see the issue, as 9657 is well within the limits of MQTT messages, and the buffers and stacks that I can find, and no helpful error messages are presented.

Is anyone able to point me in the direction of a fix?

Thank you!

  • What version of coreMQTT / C-SDK / FreeRTOS are you using? How many messages per second are you transmitting?

  • @Greg_B I'm not sure how to determine that exactly, but, I am using the latest version of this repo with all the versions that it submodules. Does that provide you the information you need?

  • And I am just sending one large message of ~10k

  • @Greg_B is it possible this is a timeout condition?

  • Hit the same issue. Have you figured out why and have you found a solution to this?

已提问 1 年前328 查看次数
2 回答

For my problem, I found that partially received packet is treated as an error if the next loop didn't received any new packets.

I changed while( pMqttAgentContext->packetReceivedInLoop) to while( pMqttAgentContext->packetReceivedInLoop || operationStatus == MQTTNeedMoreBytes)

in core_mqtt_agent.c and that fixed my problem.

But this might not be a permanent solution since we are not supposed to wait forever if the status remains as MQTTNeedMoreBytes. Some sort of timeout would make this change more safe.

We can also consider adding a delay before the calling the MQTT_ProcessLoop() instead of calling immediately.

已回答 10 个月前

Sorry for not posting the solution sooner, it was just that OTA_MAX_BLOCK_BITMAP_SIZE was overflowing, I increased it to 512U and the issue disappeared.

It is defined in components/esp-aws-iot/libraries/ota-for-aws-iot-embedded-sdk/ota-for-aws-iot-embedded-sdk/source/include/ota_private.h on line#66

已回答 10 个月前

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