Temporary credentials are not expiring after session duration with credential-process


When we execute command command = ./aws_signing_helper credential-process --certificate ./certificate.pem --private-key ./privkey.pem --session-duration 900 --trust-anchor-arn arn:666hggfg --profile-arn arn:nbvhj765 --role-arn arn:mhgjdgd678 It generates temporary credentials on the stdout, but the credentials are not getting expired after 15 mins. As session duration is defined as 15 mins, new set of temporary credentials should be generated at 10 mins. Is there a reason for this?

Also, command = ./aws_signing_helper update --certificate ./certificate.pem --private-key ./privkey.pem --session-duration 900 --trust-anchor-arn arn:8645654fghg --profile-arn arn:jhgjhgf7632 --role-arn arn:jgfgge432 writes output to credentials file, though credentials are regenerated every 10 mins. Is there a way if we do not want to write credentails in the credential file, but just want to directly set in AWS.config.credentials?

已提问 3 个月前161 查看次数
1 回答

Make sure you are passing the correct format for the trust-anchor-arn, profile-arn and role-arn:

./aws_signing_helper credential-process \
      --certificate /path/to/certificate \
      --private-key /path/to/private-key \
      --trust-anchor-arn arn:aws:rolesanywhere:region:account:trust-anchor/TA_ID \
      --profile-arn arn:aws:rolesanywhere:region:account:profile/PROFILE_ID \
      --role-arn arn:aws:iam::account:role/role-name-with-path
profile picture
已回答 3 个月前
  • Arns format is correct (here i have not posted the values i am using). First time credentials are generated, but they contain the same value after 15 mins too. My understanding is AWS.config.credentials should automatically get updated after 15 mins.

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