All Content tagged with 亚马逊 SageMaker JumpStart
Amazon SageMaker JumpStart helps you quickly and easily get started with machine learning. To make it easier to get started, SageMaker JumpStart provides a set of solutions for the most common use cases that can be deployed readily with just a few clicks. The solutions are fully customizable and showcase the use of AWS CloudFormation templates and reference architectures so you can accelerate your ML journey. Amazon SageMaker JumpStart also supports one-click deployment and fine-tuning of more than 150 popular open source models such as natural language processing, object detection, and image classification models.
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【以下的问题经过翻译处理】 我们使用Sagemaker Jumpstart部署了一个LighGBM回归模型和端点。
收到错误消息:ValidationException-Network Isolation is not supported when specifying an...
【以下的问题经过翻译处理】 我对这些完全没有经验。有人能给我提供一份关于如何设置bloom的手把手指南吗?我不知道从哪里开始。