如何使用 SAW 執行手冊對 API Gateway 中的自訂網域名稱進行疑難排解?

6 分的閱讀內容

我想使用 AWSSupport-TroubleshootAPIGatewayCustomDomainConfig AWS Support Automation Workflow (SAW) 執行手冊,對 Amazon API Gateway 中的自訂網域名稱組態進行疑難排解。


AWSSupport-TroubleshootAPIGatewayCustomDomainConfig 執行手冊提供自動化解決方案,可驗證您在 API Gateway 中的自訂網域名稱組態。此執行手冊會驗證自訂網域名稱是否已在 API Gateway 中設定,並具有 DNS 記錄和 API 映射的正確組態。

如需 SAW 的相關資訊,請參閱 AWS Support Automation Workflows (SAW)


AWSSupport-TroubleshootAPIGatewayCustomDomainConfig 執行手冊會驗證下列特性:

  • 自訂網域名稱是否存在於 API Gateway 中。
  • 自訂網域名稱與任何 API 之間是否存在映射。
  • 先前的映射清單是否包含自訂網域名稱與指定 API 之間的映射。
  • 是否有自訂網域名稱的現有 DNS 記錄。
  • 在建立自訂網域名稱期間,DNS 記錄是否指向 API Gateway 所產生的正確目標值。

執行自動化的目前使用者或擔任的 AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) 服務角色必須擁有下列許可:

  • apigateway:GET
  • iam:ListRoles
  • iam:PassRole
  • route53:ListResourceRecordSets
  • ssm:DescribeAutomationExecutions
  • ssm:GetAutomationExecution
  • ssm:DescribeAutomationStepExecutions
  • ssm:StartAutomationExecution
  • ssm:DescribeDocument
  • ssm:GetDocument
  • ssm:ListDocuments


在執行此執行手冊之前,請確定您的 IAM 使用者或角色擁有正確的許可。這些許可包括特定的 AWS Systems Manager 許可,以及本文前幾節中涵蓋的其他服務特定許可。

執行 AWSSupport-TroubleshootAPIGatewayCustomDomainConfig 自動化

  1. 開啟 AWSSupport-TroubleshootAPIGatewayCustomDomainConfig 執行手冊。
    **注意:**執行手冊位於 us-east-1 AWS 區域中。

  2. 選取執行自動化


    • **AutomationAssumeRole (選用):**IAM 角色的 Amazon Resource Name (ARN),可讓自動化 (Systems Manager 的一種功能) 代表您執行動作。如果未指定角色,則自動化會使用啟動執行手冊之使用者的許可。
    • **DomainName (必要):**API 的自訂網域名稱。
    • **ApiId (必要):**API 的 ID。
    • **DNSServerIp (選用):**解析自訂網域名稱的 DNS 伺服器。若未指定值,則會使用 AWS DNS 伺服器
    • **HostedZoneId (選用):**公有託管區域的 ID,其中包含自訂網域名稱的 DNS 記錄。當 Route 53 未用於 DNS 時,這不是必要項目。
  3. 選取執行。自動化啟動。

  4. 自動化完成後,請檢閱輸出區段以取得詳細結果。



AWSSupport-TroubleshootAPIGatewayCustomDomainConfig 執行手冊的輸出範例


  "Result": "The custom domain name is configured correctly",
  "DomainDetails": {
    "DomainName": "<<CUSTOM DOMAIN NAME>>",
    "APIGatewayDomainName": "d-XXXXXXXX.execute-api.<<REGION>>.amazonaws.com",
    "Status": "XXXXXX",
    "EndpointType": "XXXXXX"
  "MappingDetails": [
      "API": "XXXXXX",
      "MappingId": "XXXXXX",
      "MappingKey": "XXXXXX",
      "Stage": "XXXXXX",
      "Status": "ApiHasMappings"
  "DNSDetails": {
    "<<RECORD TYPE>>": [

自訂網域名稱不在 API Gateway 中時的輸出範例:

" Check (1/5): Check custom domain name exists.
  Status: Failed.

  Troubleshooting Recommendations:
    - Custom domain name: <<CUSTOM DOMAIN NAME>> is not configured in API gateway.
    - Please see the link below for information on how to setup a custom domain for API Gateway:
      > https://aws.amazon.com/tw/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/custom-domain-name-amazon-api-gateway/

    - The remaining checks have not been run at this point hence there may be other errors in the current configuration.
    - After resolving the error above, please check that your custom domain name has:
      > A mapping to the API you are trying to reach
      > A DNS record pointing to the generated API Gateway domain name.

    - You can run this automation again to confirm the changes have been made correctly.
    - More details for this particular error can be found within the individual step details.

  Check (2/5): List mappings.
  Status: Skipped

  Check (3/5): Check mapping exists to API Id: <<API ID>>.
  Status: Skipped

  Check (4/5): Check DNS record exists for custom domain name.
  Status: Skipped

  Check (5/5): Validate DNS record.
  Status: Skipped "


" Check (1/5): Check custom domain name exists.
  Status: Complete

  Check (2/5): List mappings.
  Status: Failed

  Troubleshooting Recommendations:
    - <<CUSTOM DOMAIN NAME>> does not contain any mappings.
    - Please see the documentation to create one here:
      > https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/rest-api-mappings.html

    - The remaining checks have not been run at this point hence there may be other errors in the current configuration.
    - After resolving the error above, please check that your custom domain name has:
      > A mapping to the API you are trying to reach
      > A DNS record pointing to the generated API Gateway domain name.

    - You can run this automation again to confirm the changes have been made correctly.
    - More details for this particular error can be found within the individual step details.

  Check (3/5): Check mapping exists to API Id: <<API ID>>.
  Status: Skipped

  Check (4/5): Check DNS record exists for custom domain name.
  Status: Skipped

  Check (5/5): Validate DNS record.
  Status: Skipped "

自訂網域名稱沒有映射至指定 API ID 時的輸出範例:

" Check (1/5): Check custom domain name exists.
  Status: Complete

  Check (2/5): List mappings.
  Status: Complete

  Check (3/5): Check mapping exists to API Id: <<API ID>>.
  Status: Failed

    Troubleshooting Recommendations:
    - A base path mapping does not exist between API Id: <<API ID>> and custom domain name: <<CUSTOM DOMAIN NAME>>.
    - Please see the documentation to create one here:
      > https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/rest-api-mappings.html

    - The remaining checks have not been run at this point hence there may be other errors in the current configuration.
    - After resolving the error above, please check that your custom domain name has:
      > A mapping to the API you are trying to reach
      > A DNS record pointing to the generated API Gateway domain name.

    - You can run this automation again to confirm the changes have been made correctly.
    - More details for this particular error can be found within the individual step details.

  Check (4/5): Check DNS record exists for custom domain name.
  Status: Not Run

  Check (5/5): Validate DNS record.
  Status: Skipped "

自訂網域名稱沒有 DNS 記錄時的輸出範例:

" Check (1/5): Check custom domain name exists.
  Status: Complete

  Check (2/5): List mappings.
  Status: Complete

  Check (3/5): Check mapping exists to API Id: <<API ID>>.
  Status: Complete

  Check (4/5): Check DNS record exists for custom domain name.
  Status: Failed

  Troubleshooting Recommendations:
    - There is no DNS record for the custom domain name: <<CUSTOM DOMAIN NAME>> or the domain could not be resolved.
    - Please check your DNS server for a record for this domain and ensure it can be resolved.

    - The remaining checks have not been run at this point hence there may be other errors in the current configuration.
    - After resolving the error above, please check that your custom domain name has:
      > A DNS record pointing to the generated API Gateway domain name.

    - You can run this automation again to confirm the changes have been made correctly.
    - More details for this particular error can be found within the individual step details.

  Check (5/5): Validate DNS record.
  Status: Skipped "

DNS 記錄未指向正確目標時的輸出範例:

" Check (1/5): Check custom domain name exists.
  Status: Complete

  Check (2/5): List mappings.
  Status: Complete

  Check (3/5): Check mapping exists to API Id: <<API ID>>.
  Status: Complete

  Check (4/5): Check DNS record exists for custom domain name.
  Status: Complete

  Check (5/5): Validate DNS record.
  Status: Failed

  Troubleshooting Recommendations:
    - The DNS record for the custom domain name: <<CUSTOM DOMAIN NAME>> may not be pointing to the correct target.
    - The API Gateway domain name generated for this custom domain name is: <<API GATEWAY DOMAIN NAME>> which should be the target of the DNS record created for the custom domain name.
    - Please check your DNS record for this domain and ensure it is pointing to the API Gateway domain name: <<API GATEWAY DOMAIN NAME>>.

    - After resolving the error above, you can run this automation again to confirm the changes have been made correctly.
    - More details for this particular error can be found within the individual step details."

**注意:**為了協助您對 AWS 資源進行疑難排解、修復、管理和降低其成本,AWS Support 維護了 AWS 提供的一部分預先定義執行手冊。執行手冊字首為 AWSSupport-AWSPremiumSupport-


