How do I analyze AWS WAF logs in Athena?
I want to query AWS WAF logs in Amazon Athena.
To query AWS WAF logs in Athena, create a database and table schema in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). Then, use the sample queries to get the required information from your logs.
Create a database and table in Amazon S3
Turn on web access control list (web ACL) logging for your Amazon S3 bucket. Copy the values for Target bucket and Target prefix into a text file to use in the table schema. These values specify the Amazon S3 location in your Athena query.
Open the Athena console.
Note: Before you run your first query, create an S3 bucket for your query result location. -
In the Query editor, run CREATE DATABASE to create a database:
Note: It's a best practice to create the database in the same AWS Region as your Amazon S3 bucket.
Create a table schema for the AWS WAF logs in Athena. The following example is a table template query with partition projection:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE `waf_logs`( `timestamp` bigint, `formatversion` int, `webaclid` string, `terminatingruleid` string, `terminatingruletype` string, `action` string, `terminatingrulematchdetails` array < struct < conditiontype: string, sensitivitylevel: string, location: string, matcheddata: array < string > > >, `httpsourcename` string, `httpsourceid` string, `rulegrouplist` array < struct < rulegroupid: string, terminatingrule: struct < ruleid: string, action: string, rulematchdetails: array < struct < conditiontype: string, sensitivitylevel: string, location: string, matcheddata: array < string > > > >, nonterminatingmatchingrules: array < struct < ruleid: string, action: string, overriddenaction: string, rulematchdetails: array < struct < conditiontype: string, sensitivitylevel: string, location: string, matcheddata: array < string > > > > >, excludedrules: string > >, `ratebasedrulelist` array < struct < ratebasedruleid: string, limitkey: string, maxrateallowed: int > >, `nonterminatingmatchingrules` array < struct < ruleid: string, action: string, rulematchdetails: array < struct < conditiontype: string, sensitivitylevel: string, location: string, matcheddata: array < string > > >, captcharesponse: struct < responsecode: string, solvetimestamp: string > > >, `requestheadersinserted` array < struct < name: string, value: string > >, `responsecodesent` string, `httprequest` struct < clientip: string, country: string, headers: array < struct < name: string, value: string > >, uri: string, args: string, httpversion: string, httpmethod: string, requestid: string >, `labels` array < struct < name: string > >, `captcharesponse` struct < responsecode: string, solvetimestamp: string, failureReason: string >, `challengeresponse` struct < responsecode: string, solvetimestamp: string, failureReason: string >, `ja3Fingerprint` string ) PARTITIONED BY ( `region` string, `date` string) ROW FORMAT SERDE '' STORED AS INPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat' OUTPUTFORMAT '' LOCATION 's3://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/AWSLogs/accountID/WAFLogs/region/DOC-EXAMPLE-WEBACL/' TBLPROPERTIES( 'projection.enabled' = 'true', 'projection.region.type' = 'enum', 'projection.region.values' = 'us-east-1,us-west-2,eu-central-1,eu-west-1', '' = 'date', '' = '2021/01/01,NOW', '' = 'yyyy/MM/dd', '' = '1', '' = 'DAYS', 'storage.location.template' = 's3://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/AWSLogs/accountID/WAFLogs/${region}/DOC-EXAMPLE-WEBACL/${date}/')
Note: Replace storage.location.template, projection.region.values,, DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET, and DOC-EXAMPLE-WEBACL with your values.
The following example is a table template query without partition projection:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE `waf_logs`( `timestamp` bigint, `formatversion` int, `webaclid` string, `terminatingruleid` string, `terminatingruletype` string, `action` string, `terminatingrulematchdetails` array < struct < conditiontype: string, sensitivitylevel: string, location: string, matcheddata: array < string > > >, `httpsourcename` string, `httpsourceid` string, `rulegrouplist` array < struct < rulegroupid: string, terminatingrule: struct < ruleid: string, action: string, rulematchdetails: array < struct < conditiontype: string, sensitivitylevel: string, location: string, matcheddata: array < string > > > >, nonterminatingmatchingrules: array < struct < ruleid: string, action: string, overriddenaction: string, rulematchdetails: array < struct < conditiontype: string, sensitivitylevel: string, location: string, matcheddata: array < string > > > > >, excludedrules: string > >, `ratebasedrulelist` array < struct < ratebasedruleid: string, limitkey: string, maxrateallowed: int > >, `nonterminatingmatchingrules` array < struct < ruleid: string, action: string, rulematchdetails: array < struct < conditiontype: string, sensitivitylevel: string, location: string, matcheddata: array < string > > >, captcharesponse: struct < responsecode: string, solvetimestamp: string > > >, `requestheadersinserted` array < struct < name: string, value: string > >, `responsecodesent` string, `httprequest` struct < clientip: string, country: string, headers: array < struct < name: string, value: string > >, uri: string, args: string, httpversion: string, httpmethod: string, requestid: string >, `labels` array < struct < name: string > >, `captcharesponse` struct < responsecode: string, solvetimestamp: string, failureReason: string >, `challengeresponse` struct < responsecode: string, solvetimestamp: string, failureReason: string >, `ja3Fingerprint` string ) ROW FORMAT SERDE '' STORED AS INPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat' OUTPUTFORMAT '' LOCATION 's3://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/prefix/'
Note: Replace DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET with your S3 bucket name.
In the navigation pane, under Tables, choose Preview table. Confirm that the AWS WAF data, such as formatversion, webaclid, httpsourcename, and ja3Fingerprint, are in the table.
Analyze your AWS WAF logs in Athena
To analyze your AWS WAF log files, use the following example queries. You can also create your own queries.
Count the matched IP addresses that align with excluded rules in the last 10 days
Run the following command:
WITH test_dataset AS (SELECT * FROM waf_logs CROSS JOIN UNNEST(rulegrouplist) AS t(allrulegroups)) SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, "httprequest"."clientip", "allrulegroups"."excludedrules", "allrulegroups"."ruleGroupId" FROM test_dataset WHERE allrulegroups.excludedrules IS NOT NULL AND from_unixtime(timestamp/1000) > now() - interval '10' day GROUP BY "httprequest"."clientip", "allrulegroups"."ruleGroupId", "allrulegroups"."excludedrules" ORDER BY count DESC
Note: Replace 10 with your time frame.
Return records for a specified date range and IP address
Run the following command:
SELECT * FROM waf_logs WHERE httprequest.clientip='' AND "date" >= '2022/03/01' AND "date" < '2022/03/31'
Replace with your IP address, and 2022/03/01 and 2022/03/31 with your dates.
Count the number of times a request was blocked, grouped by specific attributes
Run the following command:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, webaclid, terminatingruleid, httprequest.clientip, httprequest.uri FROM waf_logs WHERE action='BLOCK' GROUP BY webaclid, terminatingruleid, httprequest.clientip, httprequest.uri ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 100;
Note: Replace webaclid, terminatingruleid, httprequest.clientip, and httprequest.uri with your values and 100 with the maximum number of results that you want.
Group all counted custom rules by number of times matched
Run the following command:
SELECT count(*) AS count, httpsourceid, httprequest.clientip, t.ruleid, t.action FROM "waf_logs" CROSS JOIN UNNEST(nonterminatingmatchingrules) AS t(t) WHERE action <> 'BLOCK' AND cardinality(nonTerminatingMatchingRules) > 0 GROUP BY t.ruleid, t.action, httpsourceid, httprequest.clientip ORDER BY "count" DESC Limit 50
Run a query with a filter IP address
Run the following command:
SELECT * FROM "waf_logs_db"."waf_logs" where httprequest.clientip='' limit 10;
Note: Replace with your IP address, and 10 with the maximum number of results that you want.
Select a datestamp where the request doesn't have an origin header, browser user agent string, or cookies
Run the following command:
SELECT datestamp, element_at(filter(httprequest.headers, headers -> lower( = 'origin'), 1).value IS NULL AS MissingOrigin, httprequest.clientip, element_at(filter(httprequest.headers, headers -> lower( = 'user-agent'), 1).value AS UserAgent, element_at(filter(httprequest.headers, headers -> lower( = 'cookie'), 1).value AS Cookie from "waf_logs_db"."waf_logs" where webaclname = 'production-web' AND datestamp >= '2021/01/01' AND httprequest.uri = '/uri/path' AND httprequest.httpmethod = 'POST' order by 1 desc
Note: Replace production-web with your web ACL and 2021/01/01 with your date.
Count and sort records by a specific column
The following example query counts and sorts records based on the User-Agent and URI path columns. It also excludes specific HTTP methods and requests with an origin request header.
Run the following command:
SELECT count() AS Count, element_at(filter(httprequest.headers, headers -> lower( = 'user-agent'), 1).value AS useragent, httprequest.uri from "db"."waf_logs" where webaclname = 'production-web' AND httprequest.httpmethod != 'GET' AND httprequest.httpmethod != 'HEAD' AND element_at(filter(httprequest.headers, headers -> lower( = 'origin'), 1).value IS NULL AND datestamp >= '2021/01/01' group by 2,3 ORDER BY 1 desc
Note: Replace production-web with your web ACL and 2021/01/01 with your date.
For more information, see Querying AWS WAF logs.
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