如何利用 CloudWatch Logs Insights 來分析自訂 VPC 流程記錄?
我已設定自訂 VPC 流程記錄。如何利用 Amazon CloudWatch Logs Insights 來探索模式及趨勢?
您可利用 CloudWatch Logs Insights 來分析 VPC 流程記錄。CloudWatch Logs Insights 會自動在許多 Amazon 提供的記錄探索欄位以及 JSON 格式的日誌事件,以便輕鬆建構查詢及記錄探索。CloudWatch Logs Insights 會自動探索採用預設格式的 VPC 流程記錄。
然而,VPC 流程記錄是以自訂格式部署。基於這個原因,不會自動探索,您必須修改查詢。本文提供了幾個查詢範例,您可自訂及擴充來符合您的使用案例。
利用以下自訂 VPC 流程記錄格式:
${account-id} ${vpc-id} ${subnet-id} ${interface-id} ${instance-id} ${srcaddr} ${srcport} ${dstaddr} ${dstport} ${protocol} ${packets} ${bytes} ${action} ${log-status} ${start} ${end} ${flow-direction} ${traffic-path} ${tcp-flags} ${pkt-srcaddr} ${pkt-src-aws-service} ${pkt-dstaddr} ${pkt-dst-aws-service} ${region} ${az-id} ${sublocation-type} ${sublocation-id}
擷取最新 VPC 流程記錄
由於 CloudWatch Logs Insights 不會自動探索記錄欄位,因此必須利用解析關鍵字來隔離所需欄位。在此查詢中,結果依照流程日誌事件開始時間排序,並限於兩則最新的記錄項目。
#Retrieve latest custom VPC Flow Logs parse @message "* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *" as account_id, vpc_id, subnet_id, interface_id,instance_id, srcaddr, srcport, dstaddr, dstport, protocol, packets, bytes, action, log_status, start, end, flow_direction, traffic_path, tcp_flags, pkt_srcaddr, pkt_src_aws_service, pkt_dstaddr, pkt_dst_aws_service, region, az_id, sublocation_type, sublocation_id | sort start desc | limit 2
account_id | vpc_id | subnet_id | interface_id | instance_id | srcaddr | srcport |
123456789012 | vpc-0b69ce8d04278ddd | subnet-002bdfe1767d0ddb0 | eni-0435cbb62960f230e | - | | 55125 |
123456789012 | vpc-0b69ce8d04278ddd1 | subnet-002bdfe1767d0ddb0 | eni-0435cbb62960f230e | - | | 49422 |
依照來源/目標 IP 位址彙總資料傳輸
接下來,依照來源/目的地 IP 位址彙總網路流量。在此範例中,利用總和統計數字彙總位元欄位。這會計算主機之間傳輸的資料的累積總數。為了取得更多內容,因此納入了 flow_direction。然後,把彙總的結果臨時指派到 Data_Transferred 欄位。然後,依照 Data_Testorage 由大到小對結果進行排序,同時返回兩組最大的資料對。
parse @message "* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *" as account_id, vpc_id, subnet_id, interface_id,instance_id, srcaddr, srcport, dstaddr, dstport, protocol, packets, bytes, action, log_status, start, end, flow_direction, traffic_path, tcp_flags, pkt_srcaddr, pkt_src_aws_service, pkt_dstaddr, pkt_dst_aws_service, region, az_id, sublocation_type, sublocation_id | stats sum(bytes) as Data_Transferred by srcaddr, dstaddr, flow_direction | sort by Data_Transferred desc | limit 2
srcaddr | dstaddr | flow_direction | Data_Transferred |
---|---|---|---| | 3,230,172,154 | egress | 346952038 | | 3,230,172,154 | egress | 343799447 |
依照 EC2 執行個體 ID 來分析資料傳輸
您可利用自訂 VPC 流程記錄直接分析Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) 執行個體 ID。透過上述查詢,您現在可利用 instance_id 欄位確定最活躍的 EC2 執行個體。
parse @message "* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *" as account_id, vpc_id, subnet_id, interface_id,instance_id, srcaddr, srcport, dstaddr, dstport, protocol, packets, bytes, action, log_status, start, end, flow_direction, traffic_path, tcp_flags, pkt_srcaddr, pkt_src_aws_service, pkt_dstaddr, pkt_dst_aws_service, region, az_id, sublocation_type, sublocation_id | stats sum(bytes) as Data_Transferred by instance_id | sort by Data_Transferred desc | limit 5
instance_id | Data_Transferred |
- | 1443477306 |
i-03205758c9203c979 | 517558754 |
i-0ae33894105aa500c | 324629414 |
i-01506ab9e9e90749d | 198063232 |
i-0724007fef3cb06f3 | 54847643 |
篩選遭拒的 SSH 流量
為了更瞭解遭到安全群組及網路存取控制清單 (ACL) 拒絕的流量,請篩選遭拒的 VPC 流程記錄。您可進一步縮小此篩選範圍,納入通訊協定和目標連接埠。要識別 SSH 通訊遭拒的主機,請擴大篩選條件納入 TCP 通訊協定 (例如,通訊協定 6) 和目標連接埠為 22 的通訊。
parse @message "* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *" as account_id, vpc_id, subnet_id, interface_id,instance_id, srcaddr, srcport, dstaddr, dstport, protocol, packets, bytes, action, log_status, start, end, flow_direction, traffic_path, tcp_flags, pkt_srcaddr, pkt_src_aws_service, pkt_dstaddr, pkt_dst_aws_service, region, az_id, sublocation_type, sublocation_id | filter action = "REJECT" and protocol = 6 and dstport = 22 | stats sum(bytes) as SSH_Traffic_Volume by srcaddr | sort by SSH_Traffic_Volume desc | limit 2
srcaddr | SSH_Traffic_Volume |
---|---| | 160 | | 80 |
隔離特定來源/目標對的 HTTP 資料串流
要利用 CloudWatch Logs Insights 進一步調查資料趨勢,請隔離兩個 IP 位址間的雙向流量。在此查詢中,["",""] 返回利用 IP 位址作為來源 IP 位址或目標 IP 位址的流程記錄。要隔離 HTTP 流量,篩選條件的敘述會找出符合通訊協定 6 (TCP) 與連接埠 80 的 VPC 流程日誌事件。利用 display 關鍵字返回所有可用欄位的子集。
#HTTP Data Stream for Specific Source/Destination Pair parse @message "* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *" as account_id, vpc_id, subnet_id, interface_id,instance_id, srcaddr, srcport, dstaddr, dstport, protocol, packets, bytes, action, log_status, start, end, flow_direction, traffic_path, tcp_flags, pkt_srcaddr, pkt_src_aws_service, pkt_dstaddr, pkt_dst_aws_service, region, az_id, sublocation_type, sublocation_id | filter srcaddr in ["",""] and dstaddr in ["",""] and protocol = 6 and (dstport = 80 or srcport=80) | display interface_id,srcaddr, srcport, dstaddr, dstport, protocol, bytes, action, log_status, start, end, flow_direction, tcp_flags | sort by start desc | limit 2
interface_id | srcaddr | srcport | dstaddr | dstport | 通訊協定 | 位元組 | 動作 | log_status |
eni-0b74120275654905e | | 80 | | 29376 | 6 | 5160876 | 接受 | 確定 |
eni-0b74120275654905e | | 29376 | | 80 | 6 | 97380 | 接受 | 確定 |
隔離特定來源/目標對的 HTTP 資料串流
您可利用 CloudWatch Logs Insights 以長條圖或餅狀圖形式來顯示結果。如結果包含 bin() 函數,則返回包含時間戳記的查詢結果。然後,可利用折線圖或堆疊面積圖顯示此時間序列。
在上述查詢基礎之上,您可利用 stats sum(bytes) as Data_Trasferred by bin(1m) 計算在一分鐘間隔內傳輸的累積資料。要檢視此視覺化結果,請在 CloudWatch Logs Insights 主控台中的記錄及視覺化表格之間進行切換。
parse @message "* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *" as account_id, vpc_id, subnet_id, interface_id,instance_id, srcaddr, srcport, dstaddr, dstport, protocol, packets, bytes, action, log_status, start, end, flow_direction, traffic_path, tcp_flags, pkt_srcaddr, pkt_src_aws_service, pkt_dstaddr, pkt_dst_aws_service, region, az_id, sublocation_type, sublocation_id | filter srcaddr in ["",""] and dstaddr in ["",""] and protocol = 6 and (dstport = 80 or srcport=80) | stats sum(bytes) as Data_Transferred by bin(1m)
bin(1m) | Data_Transferred |
2022-04-01 15:23:00.000 | 17225787 |
2022-04-01 15:21:00.000 | 17724499 |
2022-04-01 15:20:00.000 | 1125500 |
2022-04-01 15:19:00.000 | 101525 |
2022-04-01 15:18:00.000 | 81376 |
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