Identifying enveloper recipients (RCPT TO:) with SES Receiving Mail


My application receives data via email using SES to SNS to HTTPS sub pipeline. In the POSTed SNS JSON I get the complete message (the contents transacted after the SMTP DATA verb), but I do not see an attribute in the JSON that identifies the envelope recipient(s).

This is critical because some SMTP client implementations batch a message to multiple recipients at the same domain in a single transmittal (Gmail) and some perform an SMTP transaction for each recipient separately (Yahoo).

Identifying the envelope recipient provided with RCPT TO: verb(s) determines the intended recipients for that transaction, irrespective of the destination headers (To:, CC:, and other non-RFC variants).

Without the envelope recipient data in the POST, BCC: deliveries cannot be supported, a lot of fuzzy logic is required to identify duplicate deliveries, and a separate dictionary must be maintained on the callback server to match the "accepted domains" list associated with the SES receiver and prevent attempting to process messages for non-accepted recipient domains.

Has anyone found a solution to this shortcoming?

已提問 3 年前檢視次數 330 次
1 個回答

Answer provided by another forum:

The envelope recipients are sent in the POST JSON, receipt.recipients[] attribute.


已回答 3 年前

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