Lambda continues to run after ApiGateway request timed out


I set up an API Gateway endpoint, Lambda integration, default timeout (29s).

The Lambda sleeps for 40 seconds, then logs.

We observe the following:

  • 29 seconds after issuing the request, we receive {"message": "Endpoint request timed out"}
  • 40 seconds in, the Lambda logs

Why does the Lambda continue to run AFTER the request timed out? Currently, we rely on this behaviour - is it safe to assume things will stay this way, or could this change?

Edited by: mjfroehlich on Apr 26, 2019 5:32 AM

已提問 5 年前檢視次數 3944 次
2 個答案

Timeout happens in the API Gateway side, so Lambda will continue to execute your function. This is true for most HTTP client-server scenario. The client-side timeout does not guarantee to abort the execution in the server.

If you don't need to wait/return Lambda's response via API Gateway, then why don't you invoke it asynchronously?

已回答 5 年前
  • My Nodejs lambda function stalled on timeout. I have a Nodejs lambda function with a 60sec timeout. When the API timeout happens on the 29th sec my lambda function stalls and gets timed out after 60 seconds. It is not continuing execution as you said


Nice, thanks for the pointer!

已回答 5 年前

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