AWS breaks RDS autoscale in two ways, anyone else see this?


In RDS (MySQL) the following two things happened recently:

  • All RDS autoscale policies for database clusters based on connection counts vanished from account, and no event shows in CloudTrail. They are just gone. Do not load in the UI or when describing policies by CLI.

  • If modifying an autoscale policy in the console, the "Advanced Section" which contains "Scale-In" (to remove instances added by autoscale), now disables scale-in every time the page loads. So any save will erase this setting. This section is collapsed by default, so is not visible. Therefore there is no indication it is erasing your setting, unless you open it each time to see that setting and re-enable it.

These are two huge regressions that have been sitting around for the week, with no correction from AWS.

Anyone else notice this?


Third regression: AWS autoscale now ignoring the minimum replica count. I.e. have 2 replicas and set autoscale minimum to 5, it adds 1 instead of 3. Set it to 7, it adds 1 or 3 or 2, but not the real difference. This regression appears to be since today.

3 regressions in 2 weeks, what is going on?


Deleting and re-creating policies does not fix the above, other than minimum was eventually respected on the 3rd or 4th delete/add. But the other issues remain.

已提問 9 個月前檢視次數 108 次

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