Sagemaker Labeling Job unable to use MTurk


When trying to "Create a labeling job" on Sagemaker with Amazon MTurkers as the worker type, I am unable to finish creating the job. Instead, I get the error message: w is undefined

Some additional context:

  • The exact same job was successfully created 5 days ago, but was only partially labelled because some annotation tasks expired.
  • If I set up the exact same job but select "Private" as the Worker Type, the job is successfully created.
  • Playing around with the MTurk settings (Task timeout, expiration time, price per task, etc.) don't help.
  • After pressing the "Create" button, the annotation-tools folder is created in the output dataset location, but not the other expected folders (temp, manifests).
  • Moving the data into a new folder also doesn't affect anything. I've also checked that the permissions are all set up correctly.

I haven't been able to find an error resembling this elsewhere. Any ideas on what might be going wrong? Thanks!

Edit: I eventually 'resolved' the issue by switching from the console/GUI to going through the CLI and setting up the job that way. Given that the console has fewer customization options than the CLI, it's hard to say exactly what triggers the error, but creating a labeling job through CLI that matched the console as closely as possible did succeed.

  • I've tried again over the last few days and run into the same error.

已提問 1 年前檢視次數 118 次

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