Invalid Access Key S3


I am setting up a spark cluster whiles updating the cluster AWS configuration information i got this exception error? How do i resolve this guys? "InvalidAccessKeyId exception while writing to qibmft/1/8c5b0ac2-4034-11ee-b8b4-0e77d1c426e7" "qibmft/1/" is the dir of my s3

已提問 10 個月前檢視次數 278 次
1 個回答

This error message typically means that you use an AccessKeyId which doesn't exist. Based on the information you have provided, I assume that you're using AccessKeyId and AccessKey directly, i.e. not an IAM role and temporary credentials.

To fix the issue, take the following steps:

  • Check how you instantiate your AWS config: Are AccessKeyId, AccessKey and Region correctly set?
  • Test the same operation on the CLI (using the same AccessKey): Does it work there?
  • Check in the AWS Console if the access key (ID) exists, and that the user has sufficient permissions
  • Check if some other code is overwriting your configuration

Note that in general, you should always be careful using AccessKeys directly in code, as this might lead to hard-coded credentials.

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已回答 10 個月前

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