Abandoned AWS EC2 and RDS instance.


My Boss reached out regarding some charges on his credit card regarding some AWS charges. Upon further investigation and gaining access to the AWS console, it appears that he had worked with a contractor to host a website which resulted in creating an EC2 instance and an RDS volume, according to the billing.

My question is, what is the best way to create a backup of these services and then store them in a much less expensive service like S3 or glacier?

已提問 1 年前檢視次數 228 次
1 個回答

If you have an EC2 Instance and and RDS instance the best way to save a backup is by taking an Snapshot, you can take and RDS snapshot from which you could recreate the RDS instance whenever you need. The same goes for the EC2, although for the EC2 I would recommend taking an Image (AMI) which creates automatically the EBS snapshots for the storage.

After the AMI is created and the RDS snapshot finished you can proceed to delete the original resources.

Hope this helps.

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