EndpointDiscoveryRefreshFailed in Amazon Timestream


Hi everyone, I was trying to ingest csv data to Timestream Db with AWS SDK boto3.M y credential , region , Database_Name, Table_Name are all correct but still I am unable to connect to endpoint of my Timestream DB . Please respond if you have any ideas on how to resolve this issue. This is my Python script, which I am running in Visual Studio Code: import csv import time import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError

Configure AWS credentials and region

aws_access_key_id = '' aws_secret_access_key = '' region_name = ''

Specify the path to the CSV file to be ingested

csv_filepath = 'C:/Users/.csv'

Configure Timestream database and table

database_name = '' table_name = ''

class CsvIngestionExample: def init(self, client): self.client = client

def bulk_write_records(self, filepath):
    with open(filepath, 'r') as csvfile:
        # Creating a csv reader object
        csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile)

        records = []
        current_time = self.__current_milli_time()

        counter = 0 
        # Skip the header row
        # Extracting each data row one by one
        for row in csvreader:
            dimensions = [
                {'Name': 'region', 'Value': ''}

            record_time = current_time - (counter * 50)

            for i in range(1, len(row)):
                measure_name = f"MeasureName{i+1}"
                measure_value = str(row[i])

                # Determine MeasureValue type based on column data type in CSV
                measure_value_type = CsvIngestionExample.get_measure_value_type(measure_value)

                record = {
                    'Dimensions': dimensions,
                    'MeasureName': measure_name,
                    'MeasureValue': measure_value,
                    'MeasureValueType': measure_value_type,
                    'Time': str(record_time)

                counter = counter + 1

                if len(records) == 100:
                    self.__submit_batch(records, counter)
                    records = []

        if len(records) != 0:
            self.__submit_batch(records, counter)

        print("Ingested %d records" % counter)

def __submit_batch(self, records, counter):
        self.client.write_records(DatabaseName=database_name, TableName=table_name,
                                  Records=records, CommonAttributes={})
        print("Processed [%d] records." % counter)
    except ClientError as e:
        print("Error:", e.response['Error']['Message'])

def __current_milli_time(self):
    return int(round(time.time() * 1000))

def get_measure_value_type(value):
        return 'INT'
    except ValueError:
            return 'DOUBLE'
        except ValueError:
            return 'VARCHAR'

Create Timestream Write Client

session = boto3.Session( aws_access_key_id=aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=aws_secret_access_key, region_name=region_name ) timestream_write_client = session.client('timestream-write')

Create an instance of CsvIngestionExample with the Timestream Write Client

csv_ingestion = CsvIngestionExample(timestream_write_client)

Call the bulk_write_records method to ingest the CSV data


Error:- Exception has occurred: EndpointDiscoveryRefreshFailed Endpoint Discovery failed to refresh the required endpoints. self.client.write_records(DatabaseName=database_name, TableName=table_name, File "C:\Users", line 64, in bulk_write_records self.__submit_batch(records, counter) File "C:\Users", line 110, in <module> csv_ingestion.bulk_write_records(csv_filepath) botocore.discovery.EndpointDiscoveryRefreshFailed: Endpoint Discovery failed to refresh the required endpoints.

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