Unable to create ECS cluster in Fargate. Getting "Service Unavailable"


I am trying to create an ECS cluster in Fargate and get the error seen below. I cannot see any announcements about service problems with Fargate or ECS and am wondering what I am missing

There was an error creating cluster JoshTestCluster. Resource handler returned message: "Error occurred during operation 'CreateCluster SDK error: Service Unavailable. Please try again later. (Service: AmazonECS; Status Code: 500; Error Code: ServerException; Request ID: ******; Proxy: null)'." (RequestToken: ******, HandlerErrorCode: GeneralServiceException)

Some points of note

  • I have administrative permissions so it is not a permissions issue
  • I have tried multiple regions and get the same error in each
  • My Fargate quota has loads of available vCPU
已提問 5 個月前檢視次數 3340 次
4 個答案


Based on the error message you provided, it looks like there was a temporary issue with the Amazon ECS service when you tried to create your Fargate cluster called JoshTestCluster. The 500 status code in the error ("Status Code: 500") indicates that the ECS service was unavailable at the time of your create cluster request.

Let me know if u need more help regarding this.



已回答 5 個月前
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已審閱 2 個月前
  • Well, after 3 days of it not working this suddenly sprang to life. I can only think that it WAS a problem on the AWS side and just took an inordinately long time to resolve. Thanks for all the pointers


Afraid not

The role existed already, so I tried deleting and recreating it and the error is still there. I also deleted it again and let it auto create with the cluster and this did not work either (although the role was created no problems)

已回答 5 個月前
  • Can you check the CloudTrail and send it here the request parameters for the CreateCluster API call? Please remove any confidential information


That is what I thought, but I have now tried this in multiple regions over multiple days with the same error. I cannot believe that ECS has been broken everywhere that whole time.

Is there anything that could have been done to stop ECS from working? I have inherited the account so there may be changes that I am not aware of

Might add that it works fine in EC2 mode, it is just Fargate that does not seem to work

Thanks Josh

已回答 5 個月前

This looks likely to be related to the service linked role AWSServiceRoleForECS. If not already created, the creation during CreateCluster uses a best effort approach. In the result, service linked role AWSServiceRoleForECS doesn't appear though ECS cluster is created.

For example, creating Service Linked role would fail due to throttling error for iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole.

I'd recommend you to create the Service Linked role AWSServiceRoleForECS manually using CreateServiceLinkedRole API. You can also see the related documentation here.

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已回答 5 個月前

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