Unable to remove a web site password protection


Few months ago, I enabled my public facing web site with basic authentication because the site was still being built. Now it is ready but I am unable to remove password protection. The web site is hosted on Route53 with cloudfront distribution. I cannot remember exact steps in how it was configured in first place. If I access the cloudfront url the sigin pop up does not come. It comes up only when I access the public web site. I see the following in headers - www-authenticate: Basic realm="Login". I have verified that the cloudfront does not have any lambda functions associated. I have changed the distribution in Route53 to several cloudfront urls and sigin still comes up. I suspect the basic auth is configured at hosting level but none of the settings indicate that. I tried looking at application level load balancer but did not understand the troubleshooting process.. Thanks in advance for any insights.

已提問 1 年前檢視次數 286 次
2 個答案

Thank you for the response. I have a static web site hosted on S3. I can access the site directly using S3 public end point and cloudfront distribution but domain url from Route 53 hosted xone gives a pop up. There was a lambda function used prior to completing my development that I had put in for basic auth. Now I have removed all lambda functions, deleted earlier cloud front distributions, deleted all user pools, ID pools. All that I have in my AWS account now is simply an S3 bucket with cloudfront distribution and Route 53 hosted zone. No EC2 or anything else.

已回答 1 年前
  • It sounds like you've done everything right. It'd be worthwhile to use a tool like curl to get the raw pages and follow links/code manually to see where the popup is coming from.


It's difficult to say - as the password protection might be implemented on the web server itself. The site isn't hosted on Route 53 - Route 53 is the DNS provider so there's no settings there to change.

I'm also a little confused: You can access the website via CloudFront but you get a password prompt if you access the web server directly? Or are there two websites here?

Either way, I suspect that the settings are in your web server (hosted on EC2 perhaps?) and they have to be changed.

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已回答 1 年前

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