Jwt Authorizer with issuer in internal network


JWT Authorizer with issuer in internal network

I having 2 environment setting one is public another one is internal network.

For internal network got problems like this Invalid issuer: https://internal.something.com/op. Issuer must have a valid discovery endpoint ended with '/.well-known/openid-configuration'

But for Publics issuer is working fine example https://publics.something.com/op

How to make it work with internal issuer.

已提問 2 年前檢視次數 1174 次
1 個回答

Is your internal issuer able to be called over the internet? Sounds like the authorizer can't call back to it to get the well known configuration in order to then perform the token verification.

已回答 2 年前
  • No it not able call from internet only from internal network and we link with internal VPC too but still not success, so not sure how solve this.

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