Is it possible to migrate from m5 to m6 after purchasing EC2 savings plan?



I am going to purchase a EC2 savings plan. Before proceeding, I just want to know whether i can able to migrate from m5 to m6 after purchasing EC2 savings plan? Is it possible or not. Kindly do let me know. I desperately waiting for your response.

Thanks, Ragav

已提問 5 個月前檢視次數 267 次
1 個回答


It is possible to change the EC2 instance family after purchasing a Savings Plan.
However, depending on the details of the selected Savings Plan, the commitment may no longer be applied after changing the instance family.

With Compute Savings Plans, even if you change the instance family, it will be applied to EC2.
If you choose EC2 Instance Savings Plans, they will no longer apply if you change the EC2 instance family.
Also, please note that you cannot change the instance family to which the commitment is applied, which you selected when purchasing EC2 Instance Savings Plans.
Therefore, if you plan to change from M5 to M6 instance family in the future, I think it is better to select the Compute Savings Plan.

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已回答 5 個月前
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已審閱 5 個月前
  • why not possible? both are same instance family, right. Then why? Could you please elaborate?

  • Sorry, you cannot change the instance type, not the instance family. M5 and M6 are different instance type. EC2 Instance Savings Plans select an instance type at the time of purchase. The instance type selected at this time cannot be changed later. The purchase screen says instance family, but what you select is the instance type. a

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