Need help downloading/finding AWS Domain SSL certificate


Hi, I urgently need assistance on how to download or create my AWS Domain SSL certificate.

  • We created a new domain in AWS yesterday.
  • It has been purchased and is correctly provisioned
  • We now need that domain's SSL certificate to use in another platform from another service provider.
  • The service provider is asking for
  • SSL Wildcard Certificate,
  • SSL key for this Certificate and
  • ca-bundle File (it could be in zip format) for the specified domain.
  • The wildcard certificate should cover all sub-domains

We need to obtain this SSL certificate and email it to the service provider.

We have searched all AWS documentation, but cannot find anything to do with obtaining the SSL certificate. We need to send this SSL certificate to the service provider, but we cannot find anyway to obtain it in AWS.

Please could anyone assist?

1 個回答

AWS does not provide this service, specifically, the ability to create a publicly trusted certificate that is exportable out of AWS. The AWS Certificate Manager can create publicly trusted certificate but their usage is limited to AWS services such as ELB and CloudFront.

profile pictureAWS
已回答 1 年前
profile pictureAWS
已審閱 1 年前
  • @kentrad, thank you very much for this. Just so i am clear. As AWS does not provide this service. I should therefore get my domain created outside of AWS and generate the SSL certificate outside of AWS.

  • You can still use AWS to register your domain and manage DNS using Route 53. If you need an exportable certificate, you will need to obtain those from another provider.

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