Get Real Time CloudWatch Logs for EC2 Image Builder Pipeline Execution in Shell Script Using AWS CLI


I am using Shell Script in my GitHub action. In that I am using AWS CLI to execute EC2 Image Builder Pipeline and want to get the real time logs from Cloud Watch and show it on the GitHub Output Console. I am using the following commands. But I can't get it working. Please help.

exec_out=$(aws imagebuilder start-image-pipeline-execution --image-pipeline-arn $pipeline_arn)
imgBldr_arn=$(echo "${exec_out}" | jq --raw-output '.imageBuildVersionArn')
 while true
        echo Running: aws imagebuilder get-image --image-build-version-arn "${imgBldr_arn}"  
        arn_out=$(aws imagebuilder get-image --image-build-version-arn "${imgBldr_arn}")
        status=$(echo "${arn_out}" | jq --raw-output '.image.state.status')
        echo "Current Status: ${status}"
        if  [[ "${status}" -ne "AVAILABLE" ]]; then
          aws logs tail ${log_group_name} --follow  --log-stream-name-prefix  ${log_stream_name_prefix} 
        elif [[ "${status}" -eq "AVAILABLE" ]]; then
          echo "------------- Finished successfully ---------------"
已提問 9 個月前檢視次數 364 次
1 個回答

There are a couple issues with the provided script that are likely causing the problem displaying the logs:

The aws logs tail command doesn't output the log content by default. You need to specify --output text to print the log events. The --follow parameter won't work within the loop, as it will just keep waiting for new log data. You need to tail without follow initially, then add follow after the loop.

exec_out=$(aws imagebuilder start-image-pipeline-execution --image-pipeline-arn $pipeline_arn)
imgBldr_arn=$(echo "${exec_out}" | jq -r '.imageBuildVersionArn')


while true; do

  echo "Checking status..."
  arn_out=$(aws imagebuilder get-image --image-build-version-arn "${imgBldr_arn}")
  status=$(echo "${arn_out}" | jq -r '.image.state.status')  

  echo "Current status: ${status}"

  # Print logs
  aws logs tail ${log_group_name} --log-stream-name-prefix ${log_stream_name_prefix} --output text

  if [ "${status}" == "AVAILABLE" ]; then
      echo "Build completed successfully!"  

  sleep 30

# Follow logs for any trailing output
aws logs tail ${log_group_name} --log-stream-name-prefix ${log_stream_name_prefix} --follow --output text
profile pictureAWS
已回答 9 個月前
profile pictureAWS
已審閱 9 個月前
  • Hi Dave, Sorry to unmark your answer. But the above script has a problem. When the "aws logs tail..." command is executed inside the while loop, it is repeating messages instead of printing from the last message. For example, let's say the first execution of while loop prints from message 1 to 10, the 2nd execution prints again from 1 instead of resuming from 11. Should I add a --since flag with a timestamp for every call inside the loop or there is a better or different solution. Please help.

  • Can anyone please help?

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