Inspector EC2 Performance Considerations


We have a big fleet of EC2 instances in our production account and we would like to know if we should be worried about any performance issues should we go ahead and enable inspector, since we can't exclude instances and once enabled will cover all instances, running the SSM agent. Is there any documentation that explains how the scanning and reporting mechanism works ?

For example, using the Guardduty malware scanning it will take a snapshot and do an offline scanning rather on the EC2 itself. So, knowing that the inspector scanning leverages the SSM agent running on the EC2, should there be any concerns at all, when we decide to go ahead and enable inspector in a production environment ?

已提問 1 年前檢視次數 420 次
1 個回答

Amazon Inspector should have minimum impact on your EC2 fleet. See extract from documentation at

For more details about how Inspector scan the resources, please refers to

===Extracted ===

Unlike traditional security scanning software, Amazon Inspector has minimal impact on the performance of your fleet.

已回答 1 年前

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