Amazon Pinpoint Originating identities for tests in sandbox


Hi! We're developing international service and trying to use Pinpoint API to send transactional SMS messages for users' phone numbers verification. I'm quite confused with choosing one of Originating identities. First of all, we need to test API integration, using Russian phone numbers, as I see from docs, to verify destinations numbers for tests, we need to have at least one originating number:

Amazon Pinpoint sends the verification code using one of the phone numbers in your account. If you are attempting to verify a US-based phone number, note that you must have a dedicated phone number in your account. For more information about purchasing phone numbers, see Requesting a number.

And there are short codes, long codes and sender ID. Long codes are not supported for Russia, as this table says:

So the question is, what is the simplest and the cheapest option for originating identity to use in sandbox stage with Russian destination phone numbers to test Amazon Pinpoint SMS API?

P.S. When we will add some countries support in our service, do we have to use a new number for each country or one number will be alright for most of countries (except the one which have additional restrictions such as India, for example)?

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