Why does AWS::CodeBuild::Project deployment fail with "CodeBuild currently doesn't support VPC in ..."?


I want to deploy a CodeBuild project with a build environment of compute type LINUX_GPU_CONTAINER.

This is the CDK code specifying the build environment:

    codebuild_image_repo = aws_ecr.Repository.from_repository_name(self, "my-codebuild-mirror", "codebuild/amazonlinux2-x86_64-standard")
    build_environment = aws_codebuild.BuildEnvironment(
        build_image=aws_codebuild.LinuxGpuBuildImage.from_ecr_repository(codebuild_image_repo, "4.0"),

The cdk deployment fails with

8:30:04 PM | UPDATE_FAILED        | AWS::CodeBuild::Project     | rjuenglinghfmcilum...ockerbuildC784821B
Failed to call UpdateProject, reason: CodeBuild currently doesn't support VPC in us-east-1a, please select subnets in other availability zones. (Service: AWSCodeBuild; Status Code:
400; Error Code: InvalidInputException; Request ID: e7894cde-5d45-4774-8862-9f070c95c8de; Proxy: null)

In the CodeBuild project I am specifying vpc, security_groups and subnet_selection. If in the code snippet above I use aws_codebuild.LinuxBuildImage instead of aws_codebuild.LinuxGpuBuildImage then the deployment succeeds.

The error message does not seem to point to the root cause because deployment succeeds with the same network setup if I change the compute type.

Ralf J
已提問 1 年前檢視次數 316 次
1 個回答

reason: CodeBuild currently doesn't support VPC in us-east-1a, please select subnets in other availability zones

Did you try a different Availability Zone? Based on the message I'd infer that compute type LINUX_GPU_CONTAINER is not available in us-east-1a


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已回答 1 年前
  • Indeed, using a different subnet for the CodeBuild environment the error went away.

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