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Lake Formation (AWS Cloudtrail) bluprint can’t reach the IAM role used in data lake locations and data locations


An IAM role was created to provide the access to S3 and lake formation as per Requirements for roles used to register locations, also trust relationship was verified and Cloudtrail, S3, lake formation are all in the same region. Actually not even the service-linked roles for Lake Formation appears in the drop-down list for choosing the IAM role.

The data lake locations and data locations were properly configured using the IAM role mentioned above. However; when trying to setup a lake formation (aws cloudtrail) blueprint the IAM role cannot be selected from the drop-down list, only limited list of IAM roles from other services appears.

No specific policies or configurations were found to enable the IAM role to appear in the allowed IAM roles to be chosen.

1 個回答

Thank you Debolek, I did a thorough review of every action you mentioned above and unfortunately, it didn't work. I'll be in contact with AWS support team. Cheers

已回答 10 個月前
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已審閱 6 個月前
  • Yes kindly reach the support team and you can update the community on the way it was resolved

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