AWS Secret Manager - Restrict access through tags


Hi guys,

I want to restrict access to a secret on Secret Manager based on the secret tag.

For example, I have a lambda that need access to a secret, and on the lambda function I have an abstract role that grants access to all the secret, but on the secret itself, I want to write a resource based policy, that deny access to a lambda that does not have a specific tag, example: "prod".

This is the policy I wrote on the secret resource policy, that deny access to all resource, except if the resource have a tag "prod" or "dev" with tag key as "Environment":

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": {
        "Effect": "Deny",
        "Action": "secretmanager:*",
        "Resource": "*",
        "Condition": {
            "StringNotEquals": {
                "aws:RequestTag/Environment": [
            "ForAllValues:StringEquals": {
                "aws:TagKeys": "Environment"

But I receive the following error message: This resource policy contains a syntax error.

已提問 1 年前檢視次數 1071 次
1 個回答


Please check the following link which has reference on implementing ABAC model for AWS Secrets-manager -

已回答 1 年前

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