CANNOT Access Workman Organizations!!


The 'new' console does not have ANY of my existing organizations. I can't manage any email accounts, the only option is to create a NEW Organization!! I have 4 organizations already existing and NO WAY to access them. Help!!!

已提問 2 年前檢視次數 220 次
3 個答案


I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing problems with finding your organizations. could it be that your console is set to a different region? You can change the region in the top menu bar.

Kind regards, Robin

已回答 2 年前


Sounds like 1 of 2 things is happening:

  1. You're logging into an AWS account which doesn't have the expected AWS Workmail organisations, or

  2. Moving to the new AWS Management Console has changed your default region to something else (probably Ohio).

Moving to the new console wouldn't remove any configurations or AWS resources that you have provisioned, so it has to be one of the above.

If the two options above don't line-up for you, then what I would suggest is that you check with a colleague who still has access to the Workmail organisations, and do a comparative check between the account and region that you're in and the account and region that your colleague is in.

profile pictureAWS
已回答 2 年前

Thanks Robin and Ciaran! It was indeed the region. This was incredibly difficult to find, FYI for AWS.

已回答 2 年前

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