Filtering AWS DynamoDB Orders by Users's Accessible Company Codes


I'm working on an AWS DynamoDB setup where orders are stored, each associated with a company code. In our admin portal, I'm aiming to display orders based on the company codes accessible to the logged-in admin. Admins may have access to multiple company codes, and I need to filter and display orders belonging to these respective company codes.

How can I efficiently retrieve orders from DynamoDB that correspond only to the company codes accessible by a specific admin? Are there specific DynamoDB query patterns or best practices to manage and retrieve orders associated with multiple company codes based on an admin's access permissions

已提問 5 個月前檢視次數 189 次
3 個答案

You simply create a GlobalSecondaryIndex (GSI) on CompanyCode in which you group the data by that field. For every CompanyCode that the admin is allowed to view, you must issue a Query. For example, if they were allowed to see 10 companies orders, you would make 10 concurrent requests to the GSI.

You can read about best practices for using indexes here

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已回答 5 個月前

Looks like you need an index on "company codes" attribute, but will be easier to answer if you post the current table structure with some sample data.

已回答 5 個月前

@carlos Thanks you for your response, Sample Data

I currently have an index for the Company Code in my DynamoDB dataset. Consider the sample data provided. I've implemented a solution for Admin A, who has access to Company#5100, to retrieve the data in a single query.

Now, I'm dealing with Admin B, who has access to both Company#5100 and Company#7100. Instead of querying data for both companies separately and concatenating the responses, I'm seeking a more efficient approach. What could be a better strategy to handle this scenario for Admin B with access to multiple companies?

已回答 5 個月前

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