How can I override Feedback-ID header to get spam data from GMAIL when sending email with SES



I'm currently implementing all new email requirements from Gmail/Yahoo on our email platform that uses AWS SES. Doing that, I've learned that we don't get spam/complaint data returned when coming from Gmail users.

Google states he doesn't give complain data on specific emails but gives aggregated data in Gmail Postmaster Tools using identifiers added in the Feedback-ID header (a:b:c:send-id).

I've tried overriding this header when sending the email through SES, but SES is changing back the header to an internal one that is not useful to aggregate this data in Gmail.

Is there a way to override the header or an alternative way to get relevant spam data in Gmail Postmaster Tools?

  • Yes we are having the same exact problem!

  • I have also created an AWS support ticket about this and pointed them here.

已提問 5 個月前檢視次數 336 次
1 個回答

I have received an answer from SES support that overriding the Feedback-ID is currently not possible. I interpret it in a way that SES needs their Feedback-ID to be able to calculate their own Complaint metrics. I was told that there is an open change request with the internal SES team to enable us to set our own Feedback-ID, but there is no ETA. But our inquiries might increase the prio.

已回答 4 個月前
  • That's terrible news. GMails new Spam standards kick in in less than a week, and the number 1 tool they recommend using to manage the problem is the Feeback Loop tool via the Feedback-ID. So the worlds largest email platform (SES) cannot work with the worlds largest mailbox provider (Gmail) so we can analyze our spam complaints more effectively?

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