Auto semantic versioning in AWS CodePipelines / CodeBuild


Hi, I have been using Azure Pipelines and have been exploring AWS as an alternative.

In my Azure Repo, my build yml can have the following lines

  major: 1
  minor: 2
  patch: 4
  build: $[counter(variables['patch'], 0)]
name: $(major).$(minor).$(patch).$(build)

$[counter()] is a special azure variable that will auto increment if the value inside does not change. What this does is that every time I run my pipeline, the build number will automatically go up (eg. -> When I change the patch number, the build number will reset to 0.

I can also specify my build in Azure like so:

$[counter(format('{0}-{1}',variables['patch'],variables[$(Build.SourceBranchName)]), 0)] 

in order to reset the build number to 0 when I change to a new branch.

Does AWS have anything similar for an auto increasing number that can reset on a variable change / new branch? I read some online article about using Lambda to do it but that seems convoluted and lambda costs money to run.

已提問 5 個月前檢視次數 288 次
1 個回答

Hi, In. this article, you have sem auto-versionning for an AWS Pipeline with code on GitHub repo:

AWS Commit is equivalent to Azure Repo and GitHub repos

If you combine this article, with this AWS doc re. semver for AWS CodeBuild, you can achieve what you're after.



profile pictureAWS
已回答 5 個月前
  • Hi, the article mentions MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, but what I'm trying to do is MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.BUILD, with BUILD being an auto increment on every pipeline run. Even a manual pipeline run should auto increment the BUILD number, which semver seems to only do on a commit (?)

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