Provision Lightsail for a different account using a snapshot


OK, maybe an odd question :)

I have an AWS Organisation that I use for managing billing for different projects/clients. To make this happen, I create a new AWS account per client and add them to my Organisation. I then use the access credentials for the new account to build a Lightsail server in that account, and I configure that server and install my software using a launch script that pulls various components from my distribution server and the usual Ubuntu repositories.

This is OK(-ish) but not 100% predictable. What I'd really like to do is create a template Lightsail server with all the software installed and tested, make a snapshot of that server and then create the new client Lightsail instances from the snapshot.

I can successfully create instances from snapshots like this in the same account but it doesn't seem possible to build a snapshot in one AWS account and then use it to create another Lightsail instance in a different account, even if both are in the same organisation.

Is this correct, or have I missed something?

All help gratefully appreciated :)


2 個答案


Lightsail snapshots can be copied to another region, but cannot be shared to another account.

If you use EC2 instead of Lightsail, you can share snapshots and AMI cross-account.

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已回答 7 個月前
profile pictureAWS
已審閱 7 個月前

Ahh OK, that's what I thought. I guess it's a marketing thing to get people to move to EC2. I'll have to run the costs to decide if it would make sense to change my business model. Thanks!

已回答 7 個月前

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