Lex Network of Bots Error


Hi there! I'm trying to create a network of bots in af-south-1 region. Whenever I click Build, I get an error message with not much detail stating simply, "Error Couldn't build network of bots". I've verified that the Bots in my network only use us-en language but that didn't help. It is also still using Draft Version, would that make a difference? When I try to create a new version, clicking on the Create does not action anything and the page remains the same. Any assistance on where to look for more information on the error or anything I may have overlooked would be very helpful. I have not tested this is another region as yet, but I ideally need it in af-south-1 for compliance purposes. Enter image description here

Thank you!

已提問 1 年前檢視次數 518 次
1 個回答

While I can't provide specific solutions due to the lack of detailed error messages, I can suggest a few potential issues that could be causing the problem:

  1. IAM Permissions: Ensure that the IAM Role you're using has the correct permissions to create and manage bot resources. It might need lex:CreateBot, lex:UpdateBot, and other related permissions. You can look at the documentation for reference: How Amazon Lex V2 works with IAM

  2. Service Limits: Check if you're hitting any service limits for your AWS account in that region. AWS has limits for each of its services per region, and if you've reached your limit, it could be causing this error. You can request a limit increase through AWS Support if this is the case.

If none of these suggestions help resolve your issue, you might want to open a support case with AWS, as they can access your account and provide more detailed, specific assistance.

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已回答 1 年前
  • Hi. I found that when I select none for the text-to-speech, the network cannot build.

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