Reusing voucher after canceling exam


I scheduled my Cloud Practitioner exam a few weeks ago. I wasn't ready to take the exam so I decided to use my two rescheduling opportunities. It's scheduled online for this Friday, but I just had an emergency and won't be able to actually be home to take it. Since I used my two reschedules, would I be able to cancel the exam and reuse the same voucher I initially used when I schedule it again?

已提問 1 年前檢視次數 3537 次
1 個回答

I think that there is no problem as long as the voucher does not exceed the deadline as described in the document below.

Please note: You can reschedule your exam up to 24 hours before your scheduled exam time. Each exam appointment can only be rescheduled twice. If you need to reschedule your exam a third time, you will need to cancel your exam and schedule it for a more convenient date. If you paid for your exam using a voucher, verify the voucher expiration date prior to modifying your existing registration. Exam voucher expiration dates cannot be extended.

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