CloudFront unable to access S3 origin secured by OAC through non-default behavior


My two S3 bucket origins work if they are attached to the Default () CloudFront Distribution Behavior, but from a Behavior with Path pattern /test/ I get AccessDenied error. Details below:

  • I have CloudFront Distribution, lets call it Dist1.
  • Dist1 has two S3 buckets as origins, lets call them bucket1 and bucket2.
  • Both origins have the same Origin Access Control
  • Bucket1 has a file test.txt with content "bucket1"
  • Bucket2 has a file test.txt with content "bucket2"
  • If I set bucket1 as the origin for the Default (*) behavior and navigate to http://dist1.url/test.txt I see the text "bucket1"
  • If I set bucket 2 as the origin for the Default (*) behavior and navigate to http://dist1.url/test.txt I see the text "bucket2"

So this leads me to believe that my bucket permissions are fine and my OAC is working, as I can access both buckets via the default behavior. But what I would like to achieve is that all request that go to http://dist1.url/test/* go to bucket2. So I've created another behavior with Path pattern /test/* and Origin bucket2. Thus, I would assume that navigating to http://dist1.url/test/test.txt I would see text "bucket2". However, I get a <Code>AccessDenied</Code> error.

For the behavior with Path pattern /test/* I've tried Cache policies CachingOptimized and CachingDisabled, but the results are the same. Origin request policy I've left empty.

Any ideas what I'm missing? All pointers are more than welcome, thanks!

已提問 3 個月前檢視次數 189 次
1 個回答

Did you move your text.txt file to /test/test.txt in the bucket?

Unless you've configured a Lambda@Edge function to remove it, CloudFront will pass through the path when requesting the object.

已回答 3 個月前
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  • I did not. Moving the file to /test/test.txt fixed the issue. Much appreciated.

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