Error "Unable to create the application version" in elastic beanstalk


I am trying to deploy a new version of my application through the Elastic Beanstalk console , but when I attempt to upload my zip file I am getting an error message in the upload and deploy pop-up which simply says "Unable to create the application version:". I have googled for solutions and the issue for other people seems to be having too many application versions as there is a limit of 500 - I have deleted more than 5 older versions but I am still getting the error. I know the error itself is not very descriptive but would anyone know of a possible cause, or possible further directions for troubleshooting? (e.g. some logs that are somewhere)

  • Continued trying to work through this to get the application to upload for deployment to my Elastic Beanstalk applications. Zip file size is under 150MB, I have cleared out all local storage and cookie values. I have also removed all but the last 10 versions of my application ensuring they were in sync, and after "freeing" up space in S3.

    Watching the browser network traffic in the Web Developer Tools and part of the way through the upload, a number of angular script requests start coming back as 401 errors. These errors occur whether the session has been used, a new login, or if in parallel another AWS page refreshes to update any security token timeouts while the upload is progressing.

    Any assistance would be appreciated.

  • Has it ever worked? If so, has anything changed between deploys? Bucket permissions look okay?

  • Hi! I had the same problem. And the only way I found to get around this problem is to connect via aws(eb) cli, create an application version&deploy through it. This does not solve the problem but allows you to continue working. Links that helped me a lot:

已提問 2 年前檢視次數 1987 次
1 個回答

With these kind of errors, it's always useful to check:

  • CloudTrail for any API calls and returned errors
  • The browser console to see what call failed Both can help diagnose the problem.
已回答 2 年前

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