EC2 Snapshot attaches to SQL Server License


Good day, I have an EC2 instance that was launched using Ubuntu 20 with SQL Server Standard. It was supposed to be launched as Ubuntu 20 WITHOUT SQL. We reached out to AWS support and resolved this by uninstalling the SQL Server software and created a snapshot, which we used to launch an instance without the license attached to it. Now, we have launched another instance from a new snapshot from the new instance and the new instance comes up with the SQL Server Standard license and we have been billed for this license. Please help!

已提問 1 年前檢視次數 291 次
1 個回答


I suggest you to make a backup for your information inside your EC2 and then you have to send to S3 to save it after that you will have to delete your EC2 instance Ubuntu Server with SQL Standard instance and then you have to create a new EC2 Instance Ubuntu Server without SQL Server label to avoid charges for last step you will have to download your information from s3 to new EC2 Ubuntu server.

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