Can't create a topic rule that includes a lambda action


I'm currently unable to create an IoT topic rule that calls a lambda function.

When I configure my rule in the IoT web interface, I am able to define the rule as well as an action that calls my lambda function. However after I save the rule and go to the lambda interface, it says there is no action associated with the rule. If I go back to the IoT interface and look at the rule, the action I defined is not there. Further, I can't add it again because the "CREATE RULE" button is gone.

I also tried to create the rule using the "aws iot create-topic-rule" command but with similar results. Here is the JSON file I used to create the rule:

    "sql": "SELECT * FROM '+/response/+'",
    "ruleDisabled": false,
    "awsIotSqlVersion": "2016-03-23",
    "actions": [{
        "lambda": {
            "functionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west2:XXX:function:process_mpn_response"

And here is the output from "aws iot get-topic-rule":

    "ruleArn": "arn:aws:iot:us-west-2:XXX:rule/ProcessMpnResponse",
    "rule": {
        "ruleName": "ProcessMpnResponse",
        "sql": "SELECT * FROM '+/response/+'",
        "actions": [],
        "ruleDisabled": false,
        "awsIotSqlVersion": "2016-03-23"

Note "actions" is an empty list.

Am I missing something or is this feature just broken? Note I am able to configure topic rules that have other actions (e.g. write to dynamodb), just not lambda.

Duane Harkness
Avaliant, LLC

已提問 5 年前檢視次數 337 次
2 個答案

Hi Duane,

This issue has now been resolved. Please confirm that you are no longer impacted, and apologies for the interruption.


已回答 5 年前

Yes, it works now. Thanks for the quick response Brendan!


已回答 5 年前

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