Question about writing a Cognito post-auth lambda in go


I wrote a really simple post-auth lambda for cognito like this:

func HandleRequest(ctx context.Context, e events.CognitoEventUserPoolsPostAuthentication ) error {
	eventJson, _ := json.MarshalIndent(e, "", "  ")
	eventString := strings.ReplaceAll(string(eventJson), "\n", "\r")

	log.Printf("EVENT: %s", eventString)
	return nil

func main() {

It's only there - for now - to log activity. But when I actually attach it to the user pool as a post-authentication trigger it makes OAuth2 not work. The error message is "contact administrator."

I'm thinking that I need to actually do something besides return error = nil. I'm not having much luck finding any examples of this in go, though.

The javascript example ends with:

    // Return to Amazon Cognito
    callback(null, event);

Is that what the expectation is in 'go' as well - that I return (events.CognitoEventUserPoolsPostAuthentication, error) and just send it back the original event?

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已提問 2 年前檢視次數 426 次
2 個答案

I figured this out. I want more control over things so I'm using this:

func HandleRequest(ctx context.Context, request events.APIGatewayV2HTTPRequest) (events.APIGatewayV2HTTPResponse, error) { ... }

which works great. It was kind of nice before that it would take care of marshaling/unmarshaling and now I have to do it myself, but that's not bad. I do kind of wish the Response "Body" was just interface{} and that it would automatically marshal/unmarshal based on Content-Type but it's fine.

One thing I do miss from doing this in Kotlin and Spring is the ability to just throw an Exception, and write an ExceptionMapper that would set the appropriate http status code.

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已回答 2 年前

I tried following

package main

import (


func handler(event events.CognitoEventUserPoolsPostAuthentication) (events.CognitoEventUserPoolsPostAuthentication, error) {
	fmt.Printf("PreAuthentication of user: %s\n", event.UserName)

	// Return to Amazon Cognito
	return event, nil
	// Try raising an error
	// return event, fmt.Errorf("TESTING LAMBDA ERRORS WITH GOLANG")

func main() {
已回答 2 年前

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