Should i change from Lightsail to EC2?


Hello All

I have started to use AWS and the LightSail option sounded great for me, as i am no server expert. My needs are a VPS server, with a GUI dashboard (as i am not great at SSH full server management) I assumed that if i opted for tier 3 (free for 3 months), if i needed to increase capacity (storage, ram, cpu, etc) i could do this, as with other VPSs i have used.

Anyhow i have managed to set up the server, Ubuntu with Plesk, moved my websites and databases (a little recoding needed but no problems here!)

PROBLEM: 1 of my websites and databases is large(ish) (around 20gb in total), so with the OS and the website i am already at the max 60gb of storage. I HAVE TRIED: Adding an additional storage disk (32gb), followed all the tutorial up to the final point of mount the drive, which gives me the error of: "mount: /data: special device nvme1n1 does not exist."; yet it does exist HOWEVER: now (once i get this working) will this just be an extra drive, or will it put up my storage to 92GB and automatically use it? As what i need is to be able to allow for the database and files to increase, so will i have to move MySQL and the www/public Apache storage to this drive (i have no idea how to do this, but google is my friend...). It would have been so much easier if i could just "increase storage at $x/per gb/month"

In addition, as i am a free customer (although am only trying this out on free, as i will become a paid customer (and assumed i could easily scale up tiers)). i get no support. So at "getting started chat" advice, i brought the Developer Support package @ $29.99 a month.... and am then informed that i still do not get support chat.... I have been waiting 24 hours now, for "support" to get back to me with "why the drive will not mount", even though i am sure i have done all correct (my drive names are not matching what they should be, but this is nothing i did, i set up up exactly as instructed) So AWS has a fail on its evaluation there, as support seems no existent, even when paying for a simple question, that i feel is an AWS error anyhow....

Back to the title of this post Would i be better taking a snapshot of the lightSail instance and exporting it to EC2. If i do this, will i keep the OS (Plesk) installed, so i can use the EC2 just like lightSail, BUT with an easier option to scale storage, ram, CPUs, etc? I need a VPS that can scale (grow) as it is required. AND as said above, i am a programmer, not a server expert, so i like my GUI, so i have pretty things to click on, as my SSH knowledge is very low.

Sorry for the long post, but i hope it may help others too, especially once/if i get some good answers. As i feel AWS make things a little confusing with so many options to chose from, then when i find the perfect "vps" sounding option, it does not scale...

Thank you Jon

已提問 8 個月前檢視次數 271 次
3 個答案

Hi Jon, Your situation is a common one for many users who are new to AWS. Let's break down your concerns and address them one by one:

  1. Mounting Additional Storage is possible and i would recommend you to list all block devices and their mountpoints by using

command. 2. Migrating from AWS to Lightsail is not hard and you can launch an EC2 from AMI instance. It does offer more ways to configure your Virtual Machine but it is little more complex than Lightsail regarding management. Since you are using Plesk, it still will be done by GUI so you should not have any problems.

Please let me know if I answered your question.

已回答 8 個月前

You can export Lightsail snapshot to EC2, after which you can resize the EBS volume size and extend your file system.

From scalability and feature perspective, EC2 is arguably better. For example, you can change EC2 instance siz to scale up. You can also choose to launch a new Plesk Ubuntu instance from AWS Marketplace.

已回答 8 個月前

Hello ZJon

Yes, but now given me more questions :-). When i started the "add new storage device" i did use the command (from the tutorial) of "lsblk" . So does this mean that the total storage (across 2 disks, although i doubt they are physical disks ) will be classed as 1 amount of storage, without the need for me to move files from one (root disk) to my new disk? i.e will it become a VPS now with storage of 92gb? (allocated to all server storage needs, etc) Or i may just upgrade to a lightSail instance that has 80 to 100GB storage, although i doubt i will need the CPU or RAM that comes with this.... AWS make this so confusing...

Not really related I have been reading about EC2 migration, but WOW are the costs confusing, and the free 12 month trials seem to be very low in recourses. The main website i am running has around 10k page views a day, almost all of these rely in SQL/database. I will have to try and find out what my current Managed server is using in bandwidth i think.

Also is support worth having on AWS at $29.99 a month., i am now well over 24 hours, and have had no response from them :-( If this was a live server, i would me cancelling my services with AWS. OR IS THIS THE CATCH? The hosting is very low cost, as the support is very high cost for anything that will allow me to talk to a real person. So far your answer on this forum has far surpassed the support that i am paying for! so thank you!

Thank you again Jon

已回答 8 個月前

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