Using Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) with MacBook Pro for cloud drive..


Is anyone using Using Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) with MacBook Pro for cloud drive..

I am trying to find a way to setup a NFS for all my Mac's to access from the house and on the road... Would this work

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已提問 1 年前檢視次數 813 次
1 個回答

This would require a client VPN as well to get to the VPC where EFS is setup since it's not accessible from the internet.

If you setup a VPN it would work though.

profile pictureAWS
已回答 1 年前
  • Thanks.. I was thinking I can add a VPN and just mount it very easy.. I am new to all this and just started the Cloud Quest game and I wanted to know how to do this so I can map all my Macs to a NFS... Do you think doing this is hard for someone new?

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