AWS SLES 12 Image -> Upgrade to SLE15 not possible


Since mid-August it seems that it's no longer possible to migrate from SUSE SLE12-SP5 to SLES 15. After successful zypper in suse-migration-sle15-activation and with the start of run_migration on the console. After a short time the following message appears in the log in /system-root/var/log/distro_migration.log

***Executing 'zypper --root /system-root --non-interactive --gpg-auto-import-keys refresh'.

Error retrieving metadata for 'SLE-Module-Adv-Systems-Management12-Pool': Not ready to read within timeout. Skipping repository 'SLE-Module-Adv-Systems-Management12-Pool' because of the above error.***

The message applies on all repos and is independent of the AWS account and various Securtiy groups, VPC and Network ACLs etc. Also tested in a new account including with a new base images "SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12" exactly this message appears again. It seems that something has been changed on the AWS side regarding the access of the SUSE SLES repositories.

Is this problem already known ? Is there any solution for this ? Thanks for any feedback.

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已提問 2 年前檢視次數 320 次
1 個回答

There is a known issue where using cloud-regionsrv-client-10.x version that breaks Distribution Migration System.

SUSE has published the following knowledge base article with a workaround

已回答 2 年前
  • After following the provided article, we are still facing the issue with below errors in the log file /system-root/var/log/distro_migration.log :

    Running suse-migration-pre-checks with options: fix: False
    Calling: ['blkid', '-s', 'TYPE', '-o', 'value', '/dev/disk/by-label/ROOT']
    Calling: ['blkid', '-s', 'TYPE', '-o', 'value', '/dev/disk/by-uuid/fe69830e-def4-45d7-856e-4a1abc6fc792']
    Calling: ['blkid', '-s', 'TYPE', '-o', 'value', '/dev/disk/by-uuid/b7bbd4b5-81ee-4cf9-b80f-048dd3eb6085']
    Calling: ['blkid', '-s', 'TYPE', '-o', 'value', '/dev/disk/by-uuid/b9459393-776b-473c-bc7a-7d17de295a6d']
    Calling: ['blkid', '-s', 'TYPE', '-o', 'value', '/dev/disk/by-uuid/f7cf5298-1a20-4a79-8b22-546b0c44176b']
    Calling: ['blkid', '-s', 'TYPE', '-o', 'value', '/dev/disk/by-uuid/242dbaba-e687-48ea-99fb-3b5f905123da']
    Calling: ['blkid', '-s', 'TYPE', '-o', 'value', '/dev/disk/by-uuid/aef286fb-4fb0-4e47-a2cd-f2bc31af7d03']
    Calling: ['blkid', '-s', 'TYPE', '-o', 'value', '/dev/disk/by-uuid/19456e98-c7da-4591-b295-e0fc297179f4']
    Calling: ['blkid', '-s', 'TYPE', '-o', 'value', '/dev/disk/by-uuid/03eefbc1-b95f-4125-a7bc-83034bff48ae']

    Please suggest

  • Hi, the workaround from suse works fine. So thank you very much it was a great help I wish you all the best and see you ;-)

    Regards Klaus H

  • And further logs from the file "/var/log/distro_migration.log" are :

    Calling: ['systemctl', 'stop', 'suse-migration-console-log']
    Umounting system
    Calling: ['umount', '--lazy', '/usr/lib/zypp/plugins/services']
    Umounting /usr/lib/zypp/plugins/services: command(output='', error='', returncode=0)
    Calling: ['umount', '--lazy', '/system-root/usr/sap/trans']
    Umounting /system-root/usr/sap/trans: command(output='', error='', returncode=0)
    Calling: ['umount', '--lazy', '/system-root/sybase/GFP/saplog_1']
    Umounting /system-root/sybase/GFP/saplog_1: command(output='', error='', returncode=0)
    Calling: ['umount', '--lazy', '/system-root/sybase/GFP/sapdata_1']
    Umounting /system-root/sybase/GFP/sapdata_1: command(output='', error='', returncode=0)
    Calling: ['umount', '--lazy', '/etc/sysconfig/network/providers']
    Umounting /etc/sysconfig/network/providers: command(output='', error='', returncode=0)
    Calling: ['umount', '--lazy', '/system-root/usr/sap']
    Umounting /system-root/usr/sap: command(output='', error='', returncode=0)
    Calling: ['umount', '--lazy', '/system-root/sybase/GFP']
    Umounting /system-root/sybase/GFP: command(output='', error='', returncode=0)
    Calling: ['umount', '--lazy', '/system-root/sapmnt/GFP']
    Umounting /system-root/sapmnt/GFP: command(output='', error='', returncode=0)
    Calling: ['umount', '--lazy', '/system-root/tmp']
    Umounting /system-root/tmp: command(output='', error='', returncode=0)
    Calling: ['umount', '--lazy', '/system-root/proc']
    Umounting /system-root/proc

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