Bug: AWS Cognito issuer mismatch when using "common" endpoint for Microsoft OIDC


Issue has been mentioned by others in the past years but still no fix available.

To support both personal and Microsoft accounts to sign up / sign in with Cognito as Microsoft as IDP the docs tell you to use the “common” endpoint.

However a bad issuer mismatch error is returned when users try to sign up / log in using a Microsoft account. https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/issues/38427

Other parties such as firebase, okta etc have implemented a fix because Microsoft will not comply with OIDC in the near future.

Can cognito team implement a fix so we can support Microsoft personal and work accounts using “common” endpoint? I'm considering moving my Authentication to Firebase because they support it out of the box.

I also created this issue on github but seems it's not on the radar of being fixed any time soon. https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-cognito-example-for-external-idp/issues/98

Please do not reply with answers mentioning to use a specific tenant ID because that does not solve the problem, it only allows people to sign in using that Tenant ID. A solution would be how we can support both Work and Personal accounts from Microsoft using the "Common" endpoint or maybe a different endpoint.

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