Error when uploading template file in Service Catalog


Hey guys,

I wanted to create a new product in the service catalog. I followed this article to automate the account creation:

Because we dont need the resources getting deployed with the configuration files from this article, I deleted them in Accountbaseline.yml and accountbuilder.yml and also removed the functions for their deployment in . The AccountBuilderLambda and the LambdaExecuteRole event are executing successfully but the TriggerLambda event is in status "Create in progress" for an hour, then I get the error message: The following resource(s) failed to create: [TriggerLambda]. Rollback requested by user.}, {LogicalResourceId : TriggerLambda, ResourceType : Custom::TriggerLambda, StatusReason : CloudFormation did not receive a response from your Custom Resource. Please check your logs for requestId [7dd4b91c-8ef2-4405-9e1c-6b45118b931a]. If you are using the Python cfn-response module, you may need to update your Lambda function code so that CloudFormation can attach the updated version.}, {LogicalResourceId : AccountBuilderLambda, ResourceType : AWS::Lambda::Function, StatusReason : Resource creation Initiated}, {LogicalResourceId : LambdaExecuteRole, ResourceType : AWS::IAM::Role, StatusReason : Resource creation Initiated}, {LogicalResourceId : SC-761183374848-pp-laowqzpxqaghw, ResourceType : AWS::CloudFormation::Stack, StatusReason : User Initiated}]

The only error I can find in the CloudWatch logs for the Lambda function is: [ERROR] Runtime.HandlerNotFound: Handler 'main' missing on module 'AccountCreationLambda'

I put the three files on GitHub: The parts with the ''' ''' were commented out by me aswell as single lines with ##

Can anyone help with this issue?

Best regards Mark

  • Would it be possible for you to add the template body here, which you have after removing the portion that you didn't need?

  • Hey Abhishek_At_AWS,

    I put it on GitHub: The parts with the ''' ''' were commented out by me aswell as single lines with ##

  • Thanks for sharing the modified lambda code but I need to see other two yml files as well to see what's missing. Could you please upload those two files too at same location.

  • For sure. I've uploaded them.

  • Hey Abhishek_At_AWS,

    Update from my side: I've uploaded the wrong file at the beginning of the process. It is working now until the launch of the new product. I recieve the following error message: "The runtime parameter of python3.6 is no longer supported for creating or updating AWS Lambda functions. We recommend you use the new runtime (python3.9) while creating or updating functions." I already changed the runtime in the accountbuilder.yml to 3.10

已提問 1 年前檢視次數 383 次
1 個回答

Hi Mark,

I tested this with python3.9 and it worked fine for me. As we are already having conversation through comments, let me know if you are still stuck here. Happy to help.

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已回答 1 年前

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