AWS Simple Email Service Identity Configuration


I am working on a project to implement an application on AWS that will send customer notifications outbound via the AWS SES service. When setting up the SES identities I have used Domain and Email address identity types to verify the senders. This has worked fine for development where the users are internal.

For a production environment how do I configure SES identities when the outbound emails are from real customers when I do not know or have control of their email domains? I guess some form of anonymous send access would be required.

已提問 1 年前檢視次數 251 次
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Just to make sure that I understand the question correctly, are you trying to send emails from your Amazon SES account using a customer's email address as the sending address? If so, that's not possible unless either the customer's email address or their sending domain is verified. This requirement is necessary for security (spoofed email addresses are often used for nefarious purposes such as phishing) and deliverability (emails sent from spoofed addresses tend to have poor inbox placement).

If you want to ask your customers to verify their addresses so that you can use their addresses to send email, you can create custom verification email templates. These templates can use your own branding, so that it's clear to your customers that the verification request is coming from you.

已回答 1 年前

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