When should I use Redshift non-Serverless over Redshift Serverless?


With Redshift Serverless being announced, seems like this is should almost always be chosen. Are there any cases when Redshift non-serverless should be used?

已提問 2 年前檢視次數 7529 次
2 個答案

In general, below two principles can be applied to any serverless vs provisioned deployment

Go for serverless, when

  1. Applications that do not expect steady state and constant traffic, for Example, dev or test or adhoc project
  2. Application that expects steep spike or unpredictable demand

If application expects to be steady state with predictable demand then go for Redshift Cluster with RI's

已回答 2 年前
已審閱 2 年前
  • Based on above answer it makes sense to use serverless in these conditions of traffic as it provides auto-scaling.

    But, what is the reason to choose provisioned cluster when the traffic is steady and predictable? What advantage does provisioned cluster give over serverless to be considered better when auto-scaling is not required?


As per Redshift Serverless documentation:

Amazon Redshift Serverless is ideal when it is difficult to predict compute needs such as variable workloads, periodic workloads with idle time, and steady-state workloads with spikes. This approach is also a good fit for ad-hoc analytics needs that need to get started quickly and for test and development environments.

Provisioned Redshift on the other hand may be suited for steady predictable loads.

已回答 2 年前
已審閱 2 年前
  • Thank you, does RS Serverless support Spectrum?

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