Cognito Advanced security feedback seems to have no effect on MFA challenges


My understanding from the documentation was that if I use advanced security on my user pool, and cognito decides to issue an MFA challenge, i'd be able to train the algorithm for a given authentication request by marking the event as 'Valid' as in a valid user was doing the authentication. Thus any subsequent challenge with the same IP etc would be allowed through.

What i'm experiencing is that users are being issued an MFA challenge, I mark the event as either valid or invalid and neither has any effect. Every subsequent attempt has the user issued with a challenge. This occurs on users who don't even have MFA enabled.

Any hints tips or advice on where I've got the wrong understanding?

已提問 1 年前檢視次數 532 次
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When you enable Advanced security with adaptive authentication, cognito decides what actions to take depending on the risk level detected. You can view the risk level for each request in the user event history. To determine the risk level, cognito uses an algorithm that you can train by providing feedback for a misinterpreted decision.

I think in your case you may have a wrong configuration and not an issue with the event history feedback.

Here are some hints:

  1. Make sure you provide the device and user information so cognito can determine a correct risk level. You can monitor the risk level in the event history. You could try making subsequent login requests using the same device and user information. On the first try, cognito may detect a risk. You can provide feedback that the login attempt was valid. With a second login attempt, cognito should no longer recognize any risk.
  2. If you select Optional MFA as the action in case of a risk, ensure that MFA is disabled for your user. When you activate MFA for a user, they always receive a challenge to provide or set up a second factor during authentication, regardless of how you configured adaptive authentication.
  3. Make sure you don't have any other advanced security configured in your client settings. Otherwise, the user pool settings are overridden.

If you have Optional MFA as an action in case of risk and you have users with enabled and disabled MFA in the user pool, users with MFA enabled will always get a challenge. Users with MFA disabled will receive a challenge in case of a risk. For the users with MFA disabled, you should check the detected risks.

For more Information read

已回答 1 年前

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