Receiving logs for incoming mail on Amazon SES


can we capture logs for receiving mail on AWS SES I have found only for Send Complaint Bounce Delivery If yes how can we do it ?

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已提問 4 個月前檢視次數 165 次
1 個回答

You can enable Email Journaling. Go to the SES console and select the configuration set you want to enable journaling for.

Under "Receiving email", select "Edit receiving email preferences". For "Email receiving", select "Enable". For "Journal ruleset", select an existing ruleset or create a new one. For "Journal reports to", enter the email address or SNS topic where you want bounce, complaint and delivery reports sent.

Once enabled, SES will send copies of all incoming emails along with bounce, complaint and delivery reports to the configured journaling endpoint. You can also publish these events to other services like SNS, CloudWatch or Kinesis for further processing.

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已回答 4 個月前
  • Can we find out how many mail received on AWS ses

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