How can I confirm the root email address for my organizations AWS account when logged in as an IAM administrator?


We have forgotten (over the course of time and staffing changes) the root user email address for our account. Is there any way we can confirm what the root email is from the AWS Management Console when logged in via IAM with Administrative privileges?

已提問 1 年前檢視次數 618 次
2 個答案

I created a support case to ask this same question and noticed that in the case summary the 'Opened by' field was populated with the email of the root account - hopefully that's a useful tip for anyone else having the same issue.

已回答 1 年前
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已審閱 1 個月前

Open the AWS Organizations service. You can view email addresses for each account at the org level

You will have to do this from the management account or an account with delegated Organizations permissions.

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已回答 1 年前
  • For me the AWS Organizations service was empty so I wasn't able to see anything here.

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