Can I customize AWS Cognito UI in any other language?


I am very new to AWS. I am trying to use AWS Cognito for SSO at work. Just like official document, I could put a company logo and edit CSS with the templates. However, I just wonder if I can edit more on the hosting UI. For instance, I would like to edit the "Sign in" button to Japanese word which means same to the English word "Sign in". I have searched about it, and couldn't find any suitable result or solution. I have tried to use Lambda to change its css before it was loaded, but failed anyway. Does anyone have an answer for this question?

已提問 6 個月前檢視次數 252 次
1 個回答

The out-of-the-box Cognito web-UI cannot be translated. Customers that want to have a Cognito web-ui in different languages are directed to build their own using Aws Amplify.

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已回答 6 個月前
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已審閱 2 個月前
  • Thank you so much for your answer. It helps me a lot actually.

  • You are very welcome, Roy!

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