Unexpected "Error restarting mysql" events


We are running multiple Auroa MySQL Databases (5.7.mysql_aurora.2.10.1) with one read and one write node each and for the past couple of days I've been receiving error-events from the read-nodes that a restart of Mysql was failing, e.g.:

Error restarting mysql: java.io.IOException: No such process
Error restarting mysql: java.nio.file.FileSystemException: /proc/11147/stat: No such process

As far as I can tell the availability of the database nodes is not impaird and they also don't seem to be under particuarly heavy load and also should have plenty of RAM left. I was also able to restart the nodes myself manually, but these messages keep occuring every couple of hours. Is there something else I can do to investigate this issue?

已提問 2 年前檢視次數 803 次
4 個答案

This is most likely your Aurora Replica needing to restart for its maintenance. Check for metric AuroraReplicaLag if there have been some lags detected.


已回答 2 年前

Thank you for your answer. I've checked the replication lag, however it is only about 19ms on my reader instances, so I don't think this is the reason. Additionally I've now started seeing these events ("Error restarting mysql: java.io.IOException: No such process") to start happening on the writer instances as well every couple of hours.

已回答 2 年前

We are seeing the same problem on a single read/writer Aurora instance with no replicas. First occurence of this issue was on 2022-01-17 running 2.10.1.

We have upgraded meanwhile to 2.10.2 and this "Error restarting mysql: java.io.IOException: No such process" event still keeps re-appearing after upgrade / instance restart.

已回答 2 年前

I talked with the AWS support and apparently this is an internal event which should not be "customer visible" and can be ignored:

Although these events may indicate an error, they are meant for internal monitoring, and can be safely ignored. Hence, we are working on a fix for removing this messaging from Aurora logging. Until then, these messages will emitted from the logs and should be ignored. The Aurora MySQL service is otherwise fully operational after a reboot with this log messaging.

已回答 2 年前

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